African Diaspora in Brazil
In Brazil, many african americans practiced the tradition of Capoeira. Capoeira is a system of physical body movement that originated from Brazilian slaves. The body movement is form in the motions of dancing and martial arts. This tradition was used as a way to defend themselves against their slave owners but then was later banned by the government since slavery was ended (Smith). This proves that the enslaved people continued to have hope and faith, and believed that they will be able to overcome slavery. In Brazil, African tradition has been carried down through generations. Some of these traditions that you may be able to find today are Candomblé, Umbanda, Xango, Batuque, Cantimbo, and Macumba. (Harvard) These traditions are important because it shows some of the ways brazilian slaves kept hope through the stage of slavery. In today’s society most of these traditions are used to praise their ancestors for fighting for their rights and freedom.